About My Site
Most things on my site mean something. This is why it's a really good place to learn about me! If your here for anything else, your probably wasting your time.
I can't really offer any downloads or MP3's because FortuneCity won't allow it. And I totally agree with them. I really appreciate being able to make a free WebSite. BUT - I can give you some really good places to go for that stuff. Check out my Stuff Page for some good links. The only thing is that if you found this with a search engine, you must've already found out about the other stuff.
This site wasn't made to serve any purpose whatsoever - that's why it's so great. It's my creativity driven by nothing else. So it isn't fancy, or futuristic, or profitable. I made it to look cool, I don't even care if no one else ever reads this.
If you've got any questions about the site, you can contact me: [email protected] or submit material: [email protected] I am also available on AIM: killrmantis
Please report any broken links to the NetZero address. Thank You.
The last thing I need to point out is my Disclaimer. It's no huge deal, but know that it's there.
The Viper Logos and My screen name
My favorite car in the world is, as you guessed, the Dodge Viper. Combing both power, aerodynamics, speed, and looks, it is the most expensive American car ever made. With 10 cylinders, the RT-10 will always remain my first and last true love. But @ $60K, my heart will be broken forever more. So don't be surprised if you see several viper pics around here.
Ever since I've been connected to the Internet, I've been viper803. Even if nobody knows who I am or what I've done, it's still my screen-name. Even before I was connected, I was Viper. Ever seen a videogame with the initials 'VPR'? That's me. So, this goes to the jerk that is ruining my legacy, the [email protected]. He's a moron and someday I might go after him for it. (Just kidding)
My Friends
I know my friends put up with me probably more than they could, should, or anyone else would. But I'd be lost without them. They are the best. I'll contirbute a page to them soon. Send me ideas guys!